We are the people working across disciplines to imagine futures
built with biology.

In a world where disciplines are siloed, we are too often told that you can only be one or the other. A scientist or an artist. An engineer or a designer. But what if we could be both? This index shows that it’s possible.

The Biocreative Index is a directory of people working at the intersection of biology and creative disciplines. We are the artists who predict what will be possible with synthetic biology. The scientists turned creatives who lead branding, marketing, and communications at startups around the world. We are designers inspired by nature. Writers, strategists, and creative directors telling stories about the work happening in labs. Educators and community organizers training up the next generations of scientists to innovate differently. Social scientists thinking critically about the ethics of our technology and implementing policy around how to design with biology well.

The list of who, and what, a biocreative could be is long and varied, and as diverse as nature itself. But the community on this index consists of brilliant pioneers, united by our ability to think differently about science — whether we began our work a decade ago or stumbled into it recently. We are a collective helping to drive change through interdisciplinarity as biology becomes technology and nature is engineered.


Project & creative direction by Grace Chuang
Brand & design by Nina Garcia
Website development by Alex Beige


Hypereikon Studio for the lander image; Christina Agapakis for her mentorship; Shannon Lin for web design guidance; Maddie Bender and Hannah Krakauer for copy editing. As creatives ourselves, we frequently use these types of directories in our work. We were especially inspired by People of Craft and the Cyberfeminism Index and also thank them for their foundational work in this area!


To say hello, email us at biocreativeindex@gmail.com